RESEARCH and DESTROY is set in a continent that resembles Europe and Northern Africa, or rather, what’s left of it in the Supernatural Post-Apocalypse. The classic home of Vampires, Trolls, Werewolves and such, they’ve reclaimed their birthplace after ridding it of pesky humans. Some might consider your missions to be home invasions, but we think of them as scientific field trips.
The RADvan chauffeurs you around twelve territories, and each territory has up to three missions in different areas. For example, on the Foggy Isles you may be tasked with gathering data from a haunted henge, destroying a giant Supernatural totem in a vile village, and plugging a portal to another world above a mysterious mansion. Did I say “portal to another world?” Sorry, at the moment that’s pure speculation on my part, and would require further research.
Although humanity is long gone, their architecture still stands–in particular, creepy castles and haunted houses. (I guess Supernaturals have a fondness for those.) Some evidence of mankind’s last stand remains in the forms of feeble barricades and red explosive barrels to satisfy their hunger for destruction. These can be a […]